Category: Moving statistics

February 19, 2023 / Moving statistics

New Yorkers on the Move: Recent Migration Trends for the NY

Have you ever wondered about the recent migration trends for the NY? Well, Best Movers NYC is here to give ...

February 11, 2023 / Moving statistics

Finding a Rent Stabilized Apartment in NYC

Talking renting apartments in NYC has become an everyday occurrence for most New Yorkers since more than 65% of residents ...

February 1, 2023 / Moving statistics

The Inflation Impact On Moving Business In NYC

Deciding to relocate a business in NYC can come from many different reasons. Whether you’re expanding your company, or you ...

January 23, 2023 / Moving statistics

Cost to Move Pianos in NYC: Complete Guide

Moving a piano in New York can be a complex and expensive task. The cost of moving a piano can ...

December 14, 2022 / Moving statistics

How inflation impacts Manhattan property

The inflation rate within the past two years has been on the rise. Due to the various incidents that we ...

December 12, 2022 / Moving statistics

Why New Yorkers are moving to Florida?

If you’ve been to New York City, you know that it’s a bustling metropolis with a ton of people and ...

October 10, 2022 / Moving statistics

Top reasons why New Yorkers move

Like in the other places, people were always moving in and out of New York. However, during the pandemic times, ...

August 16, 2022 / Moving statistics

Most common reasons why people move to NYC

The Big Apple is certainly one of the cities people eagerly relocate to. Since it is quite large, it has ...

August 10, 2022 / Moving statistics

Why Do So Many People Move to NYC?

During the pandemic times, we could see headlines about people deserting NYC. However, the statistics show a very different picture. ...

May 22, 2022 / Moving statistics

Most popular moving routes from New York

The moment you have decided to change your household you have to realize how big a challenge this will be. ...

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