Clark Moving & Storage of Albany

Clark Moving & Storage of Albany company logo
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map icon Company Address: 198 Morris Rd. Schenectady, NY
services icon Services: Residential Relocations, Commercial Moving, International Moving
Locations: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island

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    About Company

    Since 1991. Clark Moving & Storage of Albany has been operational and assisting people, families, and companies with the difficult task of moving. You won’t find a company in the Albany area that will offer you better services at a more affordable price. for us moving isn’t just transporting items from one place to another. It’s always giving out best to make sure that all our clients are completely satisfied. For that reason, you can count on Clark Moving & Storage of Albany with local and long-distance moves, international relocations, commercial and residential moving, storage services, and so much more. Don’t hesitate and call Clark Moving & Storage of Albany today or visit our website and get all the information that you need about our company.


    Residential Relocations, Commercial Moving, International Moving